Key to the terrestrial gastropod genera of Wisconsin and nearby states
Adult Shells only!

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1a. Individuals without external shell
Slugs (not included in this key)
1b. Individuals with external shell
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2a. Shell as wide or wider than tall
Go to 3
2b. Shell taller than wide
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3a. Shell approximately as wide (.8-1.2x) as tall
Go to 4
3b. Shell obviously wider (>1.2x) than tall
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4a. Shell umbilicate
4b. Shell imperforate to rimate
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5a. Shell >10mm diameter
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5b. Shell <10mm diameter
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6a. Shell imperforate, peristome white, expanded
Neohelix group
6b. Shell narrowly umbilicate or rimate, peristome thin
7a. Peristome thickened, shell surface dull, suture absent, shell >3 mm diameter
7b. Peristome thin, shell surface satiny to glossy, suture deep, shell <3mm diameter
8a. Shell diameter >6mm
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8b. Shell diameter <6mm
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9a. Shell with open umbilicus
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9b. Shell performate, imperforate or rimate
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10a. Peristome expanded, usually white
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10b. Peristome thin
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11a. Shell diameter >16mm
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11b. Shell diameter <16mm
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12a. Parietal and peg-shaped basal lamella present
12b. Parietal lamella absent, basal lamella a low ridge
13a. Peristome continuous, 'y' or 'u' shaped on parietal surface
Polygyra group
13b. Peristome not continuous
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14a. Basal and palatial lamellae present, umbilicus >2½ mm diameter
Triodopsis tridentata group
14b. Basal and palatial lamellae absent, umbilicus <2½ mm diameter
Stenotrema group
15a. Shell white, umbilicus >5mm wide
15b. Shell yellow to brown, umbilicus < 5mm wide
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16a. Shell with spiral or transverse color markings
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16b. Shell of single color
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17a. Umbilicus, on average, <=1/5 shell diameter
17b. Umbilicus, on average, >1/5 shell diameter
18a. Shell >16mm diameter
18b. Shell <16mm diameter
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19a. Umbilicus <1mm diameter
19b. Umbilicus >1mm diameter
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20a. Umbilicus >1/3 shell diameter; shell surface dull, strongly ribbed
20b. Umbilicus <¼ shell diameter; shell surface shiny with indistinct ribs
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21a. Shell diameter <7 mm
21b. Shell diameter >7 mm
22a. Peristome thin
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22b. Peristome expanded, white
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23a. Lamellae present on aperture base
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23b. Lamellae absent within aperture
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24a. Shell surface smooth
24b. Shell surface with thick, regularly-spaced ridges
25a. Whorl size increasing by at least 50% each revolution
25b. Whorl size increasing slowly in size, tighly coiled
26a. Shell rimate to umbilicate
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26b. Shell imperforate
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27a. Parietal lamella, if present, weak
Mesodon clausus group
27b. Strong parietal lamella present
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28a. Basal and outer aperatural surface without lamellae, peristome not continuous above parietial lamellae
Stenotrema group
28b. Lamellae present on outer and basal aperatural surface
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29a. Shell <10mm diameter, umbilicus <1mm diameter
Polygyra group
29b. Shell >10mm diameter, umbilicus >2mm diameter
Triodopsis tridentata group
30a. Palatal lamellae absent
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30b. Palatal lamellae present
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31a. Shell <13mm diameter, long parietal lamella extending most of aperture length
Stenotrema group
31b. Shell >15mm diameter, parietal lamella (if present) much shorter than aperture
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32a. Shell at least twice as wide as tall
32b. Shell less than twice as wide as tall
Neohelix group
33a. Basal lamella a long ridge
33b. Basal lamella short, peg-like
34a. Shell imperforate
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34b. Shell perforate to umbilicate
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35a. Aperture wider than rest of shell, shell glassy, transparent
35b. Aperture less wide than rest of shell, shell transluscent to opaque
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36a. Shell <2mm diameter
36b. Shell >2mm diameter
37a. Umbilicus <¼ diameter of shell
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37b. Umbilicus >¼ diameter of shell
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38a. Peristome expanded, white
Polygyra group
38b. Peristome thin
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39a. Aperture strongly crescent-shaped, its width remaining approximately the same throughout
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39b. Aperture oval, its width being much greater in the middle
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40a. Top of shell with thick elevated ribs
40b. Top of shell with low, indented ribs
41a. Adult shells with 4-6 whorls which increase less than twice in width per revolution
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41b. Adult shells with <4 whorls which increase twice or more in width per revolution
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42a. Upper shell surface with dull luster and strong ribs
42b. Upper shell surface shiny and with weak ribs
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43a. Last 1/5 of body whorl whitened from thickened shell; lamellae present in aperture
43b. Body whorl neither thickened nor whitened; lamellae absent
44a. Shell surface with regular, widely spaced, indented ribs
44b. Shell surface with irregular, closely spaced ribs
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45a. Shell surface without faint spiral lines
45b. Shell surface with faint spiral lines
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46a. Shell 2½-3½mm diameter; milky-white
46b. Shell 4½-5½mm diameter; rusty-brown
47a. Adult shell diameter >3mm
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47b. Adult shell diameter <3mm
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48a. Peristome white, expanded
Polygyra group
48b. Peristome thin
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49a. Shell with prominent, raised spiral lines
49b. Shell without prominent, raised spiral lines
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50a. Ribs small, approximately 10 per mm; shell color light yellow-brown
50b. Ribs large, approximately 5 per mm; shell color deep rusty-brown
51a. Peristome flared and usually thickened
51b. Peristome unflared and always unthickened
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52a. Spiral lines present on protoconch
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52b. Spiral lines not present on protoconch
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53a. Whorl width increasing by at least 1.5x each revolution
53b. Whorl width increasing by less than 1.5x each revolution
54a. Ribs with distinct, sharp edges
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54b. Ribs (if present) with indistinct, rounded edges
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55a. Ribs not continuous, with regular pieces removed so that ribs look like a string of beads under high magnification; whorls increasing by at least 1.5 x per revolution
55b. Ribs continuous, whorls increasing by less than 1.5x per revolution
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56a. Major ribs +/- 0.2mm tall, shell almost flat on top
56b. Major ribs (if any) <0.2mm tall, shell with clear dome
57a. Shell with domed spire; whorl base rounded; shell surface wrinkled
57b. Shell with flat spire; whorl base flattened; shell surface smooth
58a. Lax spiral with no more than 3 whorls in mature shell
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58b. Tighter spiral with 4+ whorls in mature shell
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59a. Aperture taking up ½ of shell
59b. Aperture taking up more than ½ of shell
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60a. Shell and aperture broadly ovate
60b. Shell and aperture narrowly ovate to elongate
61a. Adult shell >4mm tall
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61b. Adult shell <4mm tall
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62a. Shell with glassy luster, transparent to transluscent, yellow to brown color
62b. Shell with silky to dull luster, opaque
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63a. Peristome thickened or flared, white
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63b. Peristome unthickened and unflared
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64a. Lamellae present in aperture; shell white
64b. Lamellae absent in aperture; shell brown
65a. Shell <9mm tall, dark olive-brown color
65b. Shell >15mm tall, light gray-brown to white color
66a. Shell 1¼-1½ times taller than wide, with prominent 0.2mm elevated ribs
66b. Shell >1½ times taller than wide, ribs (if present) much less than 0.2mm tall
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67a. Shell at least 2½ times taller than wide, shell white
67b. Shell 1½-2½ times taller than wide
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68a. 0-2 lamellae present in aperture
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68b. 3+ lamellae present in apreature
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69a. Shell white
69b. Shell brown
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70a. Shell >3mm tall
70b. Shell <3mm tall
71a. Shell brown, sinulus usually strong
71b. Shell white to clear, sinulus absent